Looking Back on My First Year at Nagatsuta House and Suzukakedai Campus
Living Experience in the School Dorm and a Campus Far from the City
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Living Experience in the School Dorm and a Campus Far from the City
Everything you need to know to make the most of your new journey. Welcome to the vibrant student dormitory life in Odaiba, Tokyo (TIEC). A taste of modern architecture in a spotless and dazzling manmade island surrounded by peaceful beach shores, busy shopping malls, futuristic museums, and bustling weekend events and festivals.
Hi! Welcome to Tokyo Institute of Technology! It’s been a long trip from where you were to where you are now; here, it is a whole new world! Most students come from different prefectures in Japan and countries and look forward to starting a new life chapter.
Working as a student staff member to welcome aspiring students who want to know Tokyo Tech better.
A Five-Year Journey of Learning and Growth
Five Things I'll Seriously Miss about Japan
Strategies from a Graduate Student's Journey
Part 1 - Introduction to the Thai, Indian, and Korean Ethnic Groups at Tokyo Tech
The bond between Suzukakedai campus students and Mother Nature, where sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life!
How to Find Muslim-Friendly Food on Campus.