On a beautiful day in October one week after the Online Kick-OFF Ceremony, we had a photoshoot with all of the Student Ambassadors on campus.
Captured by a professional photographer, the images were taken for the Tokyo Tech Admissions website, which was just launched in August. Despite the originally planned photo session being postponed due to Covid-19, we managed to adapt to various changes, including this meeting and new online activities to name a few, and appoint six outstanding students as Student Ambassadors. After three months of interacting online, we were ecstatic to finally be able to see them “offline” for the first time.
Our day – during which we, of course, paid careful attention to ensure everyone’s safety – started with the photoshoot at the wooden deck in front of the main building. The ambassadors looked a little timid at first, but were soon beaming with smiles as the photographing progressed.

In the middle of the session, much to our delight, food trucks that had not come for about half a year because of the pandemic had returned to restart their services on campus! There will be two of these vendors here from11:30 to 14:00, Monday to Friday, so please stop by to sample some of their delicious items!

With most classes still being held online, the practice of preventative measures, and a warning level of minus 2 at Tokyo Tech, the virus will continue to influence much of our daily lives. But seeing little changes like the return of the food trucks is a happy and hopeful sign for the future.
After taking full advantage of the lovely weather outdoors, we then moved to the Centennial Memorial Hall for some indoor photos as well as a nice cup of iced coffee. The room on the 3rd floor was reserved that day in the event that a press conference be held regarding a potential Nobel Prize laureate.

In the afternoon, we started filming in and around the Ookayama campus for a video organized by the Admissions Division titled, “My Tokyo Tech – What We Want Future Tokyo Tech Students to Know.” In it, we highlight popular hangouts and wonderful facilities such as shops, nearby bakeries, and park areas, and also cover hot topics relevant to Tokyo Tech students, with appearances by student ambassadors, international students, and others.

Future students – stay tuned for the release of this video and others to get a peek into life at Tokyo Tech!
International Admissions WG