Meet Our


Naeimeh Anzabi


Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics
School of Engineering
Student Ambassador from April 2022 to March 2024

Greetings! I am Naeimeh from Iran. Currently, I am a doctoral student in the Umemuro Laboratory. Though I have a background in art and design, my research is now about human-robot interaction. It seems a big shift from design to the technology field 🙂 I completed my bachelor and master degree in industrial design, and then I decided to come to Japan, as it is a pioneering country in technology and robotics. I got a MEXT scholarship and became a student of Tokyo Tech from 2018. Living in Japan was a new journey for me. Not only I am studying here, but also, I am improving my personality, knowing myself deeper, and cultivating my past. I am so thankful to Japan for building a new Naeimeh by providing so many interesting experiences and challenges. Based on my exciting life experiences in Japan, I am now so proud to be a member of Tokyo Tech Student Ambassadors, to share this journey with you, enjoy living in Japan, and studying at Tokyo Tech together.





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