Meet Our


Mariam Alnaqbi


Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
School of Environment and Society
Student Ambassador from April 2023 to March 2025

Hello everyone, my name is Mariam! I am an ambitious student who comes five thousand miles across the oceans; specifically, the United Arab Emirates. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature. Yet, I found my lost dream in Global Engineering for Development, Environment, and Society and enrolled in a master’s at Tokyo Tech in 2022. Now, having completed my master’s, I am advancing my studies further by joining the doctoral program in the same field. Since a young age, I have been an environmentalist by taking part in school camps, seminars, and more to support this cause. Moving to the East and starting a new life in the Land of the Rising Sun was such an exciting yet uphill adventure. The fact that I knew no one and barely can understand any Japanese overwhelmed my heart. Despite this, I overcame this challenge and succeeded in integrating into this new society. Today as a Student Ambassador, I wish to support students who are struggling to make friends and to be part of this fascinating society through my writings.


Sending Back Our Gratitude

From the depths of our hearts, expressing gratitude deeply enriches the ties that support and shape our journeys.

A Whole New World

Hi! Welcome to Tokyo Institute of Technology! It’s been a long trip from where you were to where you are now; here, it is a whole new world! Most students come from different prefectures in Japan and countries and look forward to starting a new life chapter.


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