Meet Our


Tran Huu "Kai" Nhat Huy


Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
School of Environment and Society
Student Ambassador from April 2023 to March 2025

Howdy! I am Kai, a 1st-year master student from the Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering at Tokyo Tech. Currently my research topic directly relates to meteorological phenomena, but I take a keen interest in computer science as my background and computer vision as a recent gig. As a son of Vietnam, I was born in Hue, a coastal city which is annually targeted by tropical storms and other natural disasters coming from the sea. This fuels my determination to broaden my understanding about the storms – its nature, effects, and how to prepare for them, thus I have come here to study. It turns out that coming to Japan is one of the best decisions of my life, and I want to share every bit of this marvelous journey with you through these blog posts. Hope we can meet each other one day under the vibrant sakura trees of Tokyo Tech.


A Sojourner’s Contemplation

“Contemplating as time goes by...” is a series of blogs depicting my experience in Japan, from the time I got accepted into Tokyo Tech, until now as I am sitting here writing these words. Through these stories of mine, I hope you get a better grasp of how the life of an international student is in Japan. This also does me the favor of keeping these memories much longer here on this blog site, the memories that, although of many shades, I still dearly embrace.


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